Publication Description

In this paper, I argue that rigorous attempts to grasp the challenges unique to transdisciplinary projects in the Global South (TPGSs) require an understanding of the target state’s politicaleconomic dynamics, which can undermine TPGSs. In this regard, I harness social-conflict theory to examine how and why Cambodia’s political-economic dynamics affected my own transdisciplinary project, which addressed dam-induced problems in the northeast of the country from 2018 to 2021. The present paper’s findings clarify the relationships among various nonacademic TPGS stakeholders—a topic that has attracted little attention from transdisciplinarians but that can significantly shape TPGS


Publication Details

  • Author: Assistant Prof. Dr. Ta-Wei Chu ( ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร. ต้า-เหว่ย ชู )
  • Co-Author:
  • Year: 2023
  • ไฟล์อื่นๆ: